Proposed new wind turbines
The Proposed Development infrastructure will likely include:
- Wind turbines and associated infrastructure
- A permanent meteorological mast
- Internal access road network
- Transformers and underground cables
- Onsite sub-station / control building
- Energy storage equipment
- One or more temporary construction compounds.
Based upon current information, it is anticipated the Proposed Development will have a maximum of 12 wind turbines, each of a maximum blade tip height of 149.5 m. The current layout for the Proposed Development is shown above. Each new turbine is likely to have a capacity of approximately 5 MW providing a total installed capacity of over 50 MW. The final design including turbine dimensions and associated infrastructure will continue to be informed by environmental, technical, and commercial constraints, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) ,and the consultation process, and is therefore subject to change.
The scoping layout has already undergone design iteration as a result of a greater understanding of the baseline conditions resulting from desk-based studies and field surveys. This is described further within the landscape and visual impact exhibition boards.
The design specification for each foundation would depend on the type of turbine procured, and the specific ground conditions at the location of each turbine.
The habitat management area established to the west of the existing Beinn Ghlas Wind Farm would be retained.
The provision of battery storage capacity to maximise the use of the grid connection and help balance the national electricity transmission grid is also being considered as part of the Proposed Development.
Decommissioning of the existing development
Decommissioning of the existing 14 operational turbines is required by the planning permission for the operational wind farm . It is Nadara’s view that the existing wind turbines are able to operate safely for many years to come and therefore could continue to provide renewable energy until the repowering turbines are ready to begin operation. Nadara is exploring potential options to re-use and recycle the decommissioned wind turbines.
Meteorological Mast
The Proposed Development is likely to include one permanent meteorological mast to provide ongoing monitoring of the wind conditions. An application for temporary anemometry is likely to be submitted in the near future in order to provide further information in relation to wind conditions onsite and inform the final wind turbine selection.
Access to site and Internal Tracks
It is proposed that the existing network of access tracks will be used wherever possible.
Tracks used by construction vehicles would be retained throughout the lifetime of the wind farm for use by maintenance vehicles. The width of the tracks would be approximately 6 m, although may be wider for passing places, laydown areas and sharp bends. The surface of the tracks would have a cross fall in order to drain run-off into ditches on the downhill side of the track where necessary, and lateral and cross drains would be installed where required. Drain outlets would be suitably located with erosion protection as required.
Grid Connection, Energy Storage and Operations Control Building
Cables from the Proposed Development would be connected to a substation building, which would incorporate the switchgear and metering equipment, a control and metering room, telecommunications equipment, office and welfare facilities for visiting staff . All power and cabling on site from and between the wind turbines would be buried in trenches located adjacent to the tracks where possible.
The connection of the substation to the wider grid network would fall under a separate consenting process and would be subject to a separate environmental investigation and application. Therefore, this will not be considered as part of the EIA for the Proposed Development.
In addition to wind farm operation control and connection for export to the grid network, the potential use of equipment and facilities for the storage of electricity is being considered during the design process. Storage may take the form of housed or containerised arrays of lithium or other batteries.
Stone and Aggregate
The Proposed Development would require crushed stone to construct new tracks, create hard standing areas for the cranes and lay the turbine foundations. Stone and aggregate is likely to be sourced from an existing or new on-site borrow pit. This will be confirmed during the ongoing design and EIA process.
Temporary Construction Compounds
During the construction period, one or more construction compounds would be required that would include temporary laydown areas for unloading delivery vehicles and abnormal loads. The construction site office and compound would likely comprise site office cabins welfare facilities for staff, ; parking and secure storage for tools, components and materials.